Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Conjugal visits, revisited

Well, maybe I spoke too soon on how wonderful and how much people look forward to conjugal visits. One of the visits from this weekend resulted in some pretty serious heartbreak. Come to find out, two relationships have already been broken since school started less than two months ago. One of them was a 10 year relationship (not mine). I guess they weren't kidding when they told us that IMD does lead to some life changing events!

I must confess that my girl friend of 10 years and I did break up last August, and it was mutually agreed upon (can you use "amicable" if you were not married?). She was starting her MBA program at London Business School, and I was coming to IMD. But there were reasons other than just our MBA programs.

Not to blow my own horn, but based on my own experience, I did tell Charlie (someone from my study group) two weeks ago, that if a relationship has gone on for ten years, and it hasn't led to marriage, chances are something is seriously wrong. I predicted that the person with the 10 year relationship in my class was going to end her relationship sooner or later. What do you know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

差點把自己活活氣死...pretty funny crap on your blog. Finally found it...was wondering how your life was going...and yep, it's available online. I haven't read it all, but finding this one as your first entry is a little concerning. (No wonder that flight attendant got fired because of her blog.) How the freak are you????? I just realized you're turing 31...so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SIA! When did our lives become thirty-somethings? Well, embrace it and love it! Hope your international relations do it some justice! - your Taiwan connection from Philly.