That means no chocolate chip cookies either.
If you read one of the entries in early 2006, you would know that I finally admitted that I had become quite American, so life sans chocolate chip cookies is somewhat of a disaster. They do sell PepperRidge Farm chocolate chip cookies at the Coop in town, but they are SOOOO expensive, and there are only 8 in a pack.
So, as a part of my "get my life back" project, I broke out some of the stuff I brought from the states: my 6 quart KitchenAid, cookbooks, spatula and cookie rack and got to work.
First challenge, find baking soda. Three grocery stores and 3 Swiss francs later, I was in possession of a little thing of baking soda, or whatever is in the little container that read "bicarbonate of soda" on the label.
Next, vanilla extract. I called YiChun, she said that they have them in Vienna, so I should be able to find it in Lausanne. No. Lausanne is no Vienna, so I used "Vanillazucker" - Vanilla sugar as the substitute. I had no idea what the coresponding quantity was, so I threw in the entire little pouch.
Then, chocolate chips! How the hell do I make chocolate chip cookies without chocolate chips? Well, three grocery stores late, I still couldn't find chocolate chip. So much for Switzerland's reputation as chocolate heaven. So, I bought some baking chocolate, and chopped away.
Emeril would have been proud of me. You can find the recipe here.